Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Mad Scientist Strikes Again...

As I've probably said here before, I'm a bit of a gadget degenerate. And, like most artists, I'm terrified of losing ideas. While I'm out and about, I can, of course, write lyric ideas down, but have no real way of saving audio ideas (melodies, lyrics, guitar ideas). I've tried the "call your phone and leave a message" route, but no, thank you.

Today I bought an Olympus WS-100 Digital Voice Recorder. This little baby is about 3 1/2" by 1 1/2" and only about 3/8" deep. It's tiny. But this unit has 64MB of memory built in. It also has the ability to detach from the "base" unit and plug directly into the USB port on your computer.

This morning I sat down, set the WS-100 on my desk and played through a song I wrote about a year ago to try it out. The unit was sitting about a foot and a half from me as I played. I've uploaded an untouched file for you to check out the sound on this thing (and no, this doesn't count toward my song production for February).

It's a bit muddy, but for a unit that small that you can take anywhere, I love it. Check it out if you like...

This Time.WMA

I also tried to import the WMA file to my recording software and tweak it a little, but, while it works, it kind of defeats the purpose of the unit. I got it to save ideas. It's got so much memory (and the files it generates are so small) that I can hit record and just sit around and play all night, recording every idea I try. Then I can upload the file to my computer and save it with the date.

Plus, I can use it to record my kids when they tell me they're gonna clean their room - as evidence. ;o)


1 comment:

sg said...

That's cool! Simple and it holds a lot! The sound quality isn't half bad (good enough to hear the melody and the general idea--more than adequate for the job!)

I want one!