I will be checking this website out(if I have time between writing the songs I need to write).
Maybe, when my kids are a little older, I might try this.
For now, I'm baby-stepping into consistently writing 2-4 songs a month.
But I can still stand in awe of those who write fourteen songs.
Now, repeat after me: "I don't have to measure up to anyone else...I don't have to measure up to anyone else...I only have to do the best I can do..."

Rinse. Repeat. Deep breath. Cleansing breath.
Aaaahhh. I'm ok now AND I'm even happy for the guys that write fourteen songs.
I belong to this cycling forum. Over there, people post their goals (mileage) for the year and then journal. Most members make their journals public, so it's interesting/motivating to read them.
Many folks (especially in harsher climates like Michigan) ride about 2500-4000 miles a year.
There are the nutjobs however.
These folks have no kids, no jobs (or jobs that have a ridiculous amount of freedom), and no real life to speak of other than cycling (that I can tell).
The point is... (drum roll)
I suppose there is something to be said for "balance" in life. I feel like I'm already tilting the precious balance of mine by trying to write two songs per month, but I believe it's worth it. Songwriting is a priority for me. So I place it above other things like watching tv, etc.
It'd be cool to try writing 14 songs in a month, but I'd love to ride 8000 miles in a year too!
Until then...
Where's my guitar?
I agree with ya, John. Balance is a big key (especially for us family guys).
The songwriting is being given priority over other activities, but not to the replacing of family or work.
Work....... right.
*puts down guitar*
Writing one song a month is difficult enough for me. I have my eggs in a lot of different baskets. I enjoy being extremely busy and I also enjoy songwriting, but to balance the two I'm only commiting to the one. If I get the one done, I will feel super accomplished. If I get two, I will be riding high in the sky. But if I said I'd do 14 and then only did 2 I would go into deep depression and write really sad songs...so it's all about expectations and reality for me. I look forward to hearing more songs from everyone, and finding some more time to contribute to this awesome blog!
I look forward to your one song.
I usually feel better about setting my expectation bar a bit lower so that I can surpass it and not be bummed...
It's all good. Let's write music and be happy with whatever comes forth.
I used to think that setting the expectation bar a bit lower was a cop out. Now I realize it's a survival skill.
I'm diggin' the fact that we can all set individual goals here. Maybe someone will come along with a goal of 14 songs in a month. More power to 'em.
I'm also liking the "non-competitiveness" here. I'd love nothing better than to see all of us meet our goals every month (one song, or 14).
To me, the most important thing is that we're all writing more (and perhaps better) than we would if we weren't here.
That's good enough for me.
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