Man, tonight was cool! First, I see an email from John N. Then I go to the blog and realize not only has he posted, but Liza has busted up a song in video format no less.
Well, I picked up my guitar and started strummin', and I had three ideas that I liked, but nothing concrete. I went to grab one of my infamous yellow notepads and decided to start at least trying to sketch some words down to get me something to sing from. I noticed on the first page a note to myself about something my son had said while visiting our family in San Diego. He was playing on a playground piece shaped like a rocket ship and he said, "Look, the skeleton of the rocket". I think I wrote it down two seconds after he said it because it sounded like such a cool idea. An album title? A song title? A concept album?
I was stoked!
Well tonight I used that as the basis for this song that came pretty quickly. It seems to happen best when I'm just noodling around and I have an hour or so to let things develop. I was sitting in the backyard and the kids were playing making mud in the backyard with the hose. I wrote a song. Here it is.
The Skeleton of the Rocketship
c2007 Steven Wesley Guiles
skeleton m1.mp3
verse 1
Your bones are cold but they're on a roll
How did we get so old, so soon?
First we were seventeen and we had almost seen
all there was to see, so we thought
The skeleton of the rocketship
The heartbeat of the moon
The hurricane reaches out to embrace those that it wounds
verse 2
I thought you'd never change; you lived through so much pain
Forecast was always rain, but then you melted
You're like a mighty tree, just look at all those rings
What will you do to me? I think that I won't mind
The skeleton of the rocketship
The heartbeat of the moon
The hurricane reaches out to embrace those that it wounds
oh what if I could see you?
see you like you are
O, that I could reach you
Reach you where you are
chorus 3
The skeleton of the rocketship
The heartbeat of the moon
The hurricane reaches out to embrace those that it wounds
The stars grow arms and reach out to us
They have seen all they need to see
The skeleton of the rocketship has flesh and blood like me
I know I've hit you with this before, but you are so the next Elliott Smith. Don't take that the wrong way, either. You are your own man, to be sure, but you have a sound myman. And that sound does not fall far from the Elliott Smith tree. I'm sure there are other examples of folks whom you resemble in style and sound, but I'm at a loss at the moment.
I dig this one. Kudos, myman.
Seriously... listen to Fond Farewell.
I love Elliot Smith! I listened to his self-titled album for years and years during my formative musician days, so he's ingrained no matter what I do.
I take that as a very high compliment.
btw-the comment emails sent to my inbox are getting put in the "spam" box. very sad. i would have been hangin' out on the blog more if i had known about the comments...
i need to figure out how to stop that...
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