Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Some Junk

So I worked a little bit tonight, and hells bells if I can't get out of writing in the same key right now... it just happens though and I know enough to go with it when it comes. that's what capos are for, right? ;)

But it's coming along, coming along. The chorus bit that I have so far lyrically goes-

So take my heart tonight
I'll lay it on the line
Oh love, I'm all for you (or, alternately, can be "awful... you" with the you tagging to the next portion of the chorus- maybe I'll never tell anyone what I'm singing so you'll have to guess- call me Karin jr.)
I've seen it in your eyes
Farewell to this disguise
Trade in these lies for truth

hmmm and oh yes I'm thinking verses something about a bobbypin in a shoe metaphor? the words are still wishy washy so I'm reluctant to be any more forthcoming at this point. but you've all been so lovely about being in my corner I felt I had to throw my brain junk up here for now. I'll finish this one tomorrow after it has properly gestated and basted in my brain.



John Natiw said...

Nice Liza. Way to stay focused.

And Steve, we're "lovely".... did you catch that? ;o)

sg said...

I like that we're lovely.

Liza, I really like the line "Oh love, I'm all for you".

My two cents.


Glad you threw your stuff in the oven and it's gestating, basted, and cookin'.