So, I decided to head out to the studio to work on song I've already demoed (sp?) but needed to refine. As I was sitting there I started fiddling around with my guitar with the capo in a position I don't always use. I started strumming some open notes and soon a little melody flew out.
I decided to open up ProTools and get this idea onto "tape". Just as I got ready to push record the lights went out and everything shut off. A second or two later the power returned. I left the room to check on the family and talk to the neighbors to make sure everything was ok. It was.
Whew. Idea not gone. I proceeded to hop on the family computer using a cheesy lapel mic thing. It works. Here it is. Raw tuna. Nothing yet...but you heard it hear first if it becomes something later. Don't go stealing it now.
light bulb image by misserion
A germ of a seed of an idea.
So are those lyrics just placeholders or will you continue along those lines? Just curious because sometimes strange placeholder lyrics come with my melodies and I want to change them but then I kind of feel bad.. like I'm seperating twins at birth or something, that probably sounds strange.
Now they're just placeholders, but many times placeholders end up staying for one reason or the other. I really didn't have any idea for this song other than I liked the melody and the feel of the guitar part.
We'll see. I may never return to it, but if it keeps coming back to my mind I'll develop it further.
Honestly, I've been working on making actual recordings of a bunch of songs I demoed in February, so I wasn't even planning to try and record any new ideas...but I just had to put it down so I could refer to it later if I liked it.
I may hate it.
I need to let it marinate for a week or so and then I'll tell you what I think of it.
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