Thursday, May 1, 2008

Learning Your Own Songs So That You Can Play Them Again

Sounds like one of those "chicken and egg" scenarios doesn't it?

I wrote a song in the month of February that I called "As They Please". It was one of those "gift" songs that comes all at once with not much conscious effort on my part. I learned a new tuning and BAM! Out comes a new song.

That said, in February I was writing about .75 songs a day, so I didn't revisit this song until last night. I'm glad that I recorded a little instruction of the chord shapes and tuning on the origninal demo of this song.

I decided to make myself a video diary of HOW to play this song, first for myself, but also for anyone wanting to learn a few new chords in a new tuning. DADGAD. Gotta love that tuning.


liveFOLK said...

Cool song Steven, I like the vocal melody a lot, it's amazing how an alternate tuning can be such a catalyst for songwriting. Here's a website for anyone who's interested, it has tons of alternate tunings arranged by artist and song (mostly folk):

sg said...

Thanks for that link!

Glad you liked the song. It's amazing what a different tuning can do to push you in a direction you wouldn't normally go.

Tom Slatter said...

Like the song Steven. I know what you mean about a new tuning pushing you to try something new. Being forced to learn new chord shapes can do wonders for the inspiration!