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Here's a great article in Measure by Measure about co-writing.
I've done a few in my day and am becoming more and more open to the idea the more I write. I've been very happy with my past collaborations.
How many of you have done co-writes/collaborations before? How did they turn out? Easy or hard? How was the "letting go process"?
Read the article and then let's talk.
It was excruciating!
I did it a couple times at a song-writing weekend and ours was the only group that couldn't even settle on a first verse, got stuck on the "golden sunshine in her hair and the mists over the mountains."
It was hellacious, brought out some strong personality traits in people. Yikes.
But I'd really like to try it co-writing again, I think you just have to keep trying until you find a good fit with someone.
Thanks for chiming in, Funster. :)
I had the pleasure of doing a cowrite this February. I wrote a simple melody and chord progression to a set of lyrics. Then I sent it to my cowriter. He then sent me a mostly finished track and I added harmonies and some weird guitar flourishes.
It was fun.
For me, asynchronous co-writing (where you're sending ideas back and forth rather than sitting in a room together) is much more productive.
The way I get around the "personality clash" problem is (a) find great people to work with; (b) prepare. If you turn up with (let's say) a verse lyric or a chord sequence to kick things off, it shows that you're not there to compete - you're open to having your material worked on by somebody else.
But yeah @funster, co-writing sessions at events can be painful. ;o)
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