Bono has been quoted as having said "Imitation is the highest form of flattery." And if you check out these lines from his song "The Fly" from U2's Acthung Baby!, you'll see this theme continued:
"Every artist is a cannibal, every poet is a thief
All kill their inspiration and sing about their grief"
Continuing in that tradition is my five year old son.
Picture, if you will, a 5 year old singing in the shower.
Then, imagine, if you might, the melody for the song Neverending Story.
the original song on youtube. It's pretty cheesy. Get that melody locked in your brain.
Then, add these words: "Neverending armpits...ah ah ah ah ah ahrmpits". Repeat about 50x.
Rinse. Repeat.
Sister says, "STOP SINGING!"
Brother replies, "I have to sing. Let me sing."
Sister says, "Ok."
Brother continues for at least two more minutes.
I'm SO proud right now I could just burst.
Moments later, sister joins in full voice.
My son, the melody thief.
I'm sure he'll be a songwriting genius someday.