Tuesday, February 5, 2008

4 Of 14 Songs Completed

View my 14 song progress here.
Whew! This is a LOT of work, but a lot of fun.

Here's a video of one of my songs:


Tom Slatter said...

Hi Steve, Thanks for your comment on my FAWM song. I really like you're "Eddie Vedder Told Me There'd Be Days Like This". Love that drum loop.

It's a lot of work this FAWM thing isn't it? Have you got any tactics for keeping the ideas flowing? I'm starting to run dry already!


sg said...

I think their are tons of great ideas on the FAWM.org forums. It's given me a lot of ideas. I am worried that I may be hitting a lull soon...we'll see what happens.

Me said...

Hey Steve,

Sorry, this isn't a great place to post a reply to a comment on FAWM, but then, where is? This is It'll Be A Breeze and I just wanted to thank you for your comment/critique. The lyric you mentioned isn't a great one. Also the double "man" rhyme happened because I changed the lyrics on the fly and didn't pay attention :-) Anyway, I just didn't want you to feel bad about the critique because I really appreciated it.

Eric Shouse said...

I love this song... Top-notch Steve!