It's About Time.WMA [portable recorder demo]
This post title is appropriate for more than one reason. It's been too long since I posted a new one. This one came rather quickly, verses first then chorus. I was having trouble, struggling with writing. Nothing sounded right or good. Lyrics were a problem. A couple weeks ago I realized that so many musicians/artist have such easy/simple songs. So I just started singing repeating themes over and over. So much so that this song repeats the same three chords the entire song. We'll see if it works I guess.
[disclaimer: this is a very quick recording using my tiny olympus digital recorder. I'll post a more "proper" recording later... oh, and I'm sick. So there.]It's About Time
words and music by John Natiw
It ain't all about the money
Or the power and the fame
It ain't all about those fancy clothes and diamond rings
No, you don't need to play that game
It ain't all about the contacts
Or where you're seen on Friday night
It ain't all in who you know... or who knows you
There's more to you than neon light
It's about time
It's about time
It ain't all about the image
Or the way you cut your hair
It ain't all about the makeup... and beauty queens
'Cause you can look good anywhere
It ain't all about the stories
That some people love to sell
It ain't all about the tv shows and magazines
Some silly game of show and tell
It's about time
It's about time
It ain't about how high you climb
Your credit line
Or the bottom line
It's about time
[just me babbling at this point]
It's about time
It's about time
It ain't about the dollar signs
The overtime
Or being first in line
It ain't about how fast you go
The fashion shows
Or what you think you know
It ain't about no master plan
The upper hand
Or makin' one last stand
It's about time
It's about time
And I don't mind
It's about time
And I feel fine
Thanks for listening,
Hey! I did hear the song, but haven't had a chance to LISTEN yet.
I liked most of the lyrics with the exception of the word Disneyland.
I recently got called out on a lyric I wrote with the line that had the word "superglue" in it (Things). I eventually changed it because I had another line that worked just as well and didn't distract as much.
I guess it all depends on the use in the song and the impact it has on the listener. Does it make the listener fixate on that one line and miss all the others following, or does it make a point?
I know that you wrote this song pretty much on the fly...so, my 2 cents worth.
By the way, I love the flip from the verse to the chorus "it's not abot..." to "it's about". That's a cool idea.
Thanks Steve. I had not even thought about the "distraction" end of that. Actually, I thought the Disneyland line was pure genius, but now I'm thinking about it a bit more.
You're right about writing it on the fly. I've changed just about every line in this song at least once. I've been trying to tighten it up and make each line pull its weight.
I should have a "basement studio" recording of this up soon. Who knows what the lyrics will be then...
Thanks bro...
thanks for sharing this song. it sounds so profressional. I love the way you played the guitar too - if only you had exposure to the radio or something i think this song would be a hit. I liked your attitude express in this song too - it makes you feel accepted to hear them. keep up the composing, maybe one day you'll be selling them on cds.
Still doing some "catching up" here. Edited the lyrics on this to reflect some early changes. I did change the Disneyland lyric before playing it out. The lyrics as performed are posted now.
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