Do yourself a favor. If you've ever said, "I want to write a novel" or "I want to write a song" or maybe "I want to learn how to play (insert instrument here)" then this is for you.
If you've ever said any of these things, it's time to get busy and stop talking and start rockin'. Join FAWM (February Album Writing Month) and take a stab at writing 14 songs in 28 days. You've never even written a song before? Cool! Then you're welcome at FAWM. Don't think you can write all 14? Who cares! If you write even ONE song, you'll have one more song than you had before.
You can write instrumentals. You could just write lyrics. It's up to you. There's no pressure (except the pressure you put on yourself) and the community is extremely supportive.
It's time to dive in and get workin'!
This may sound very "infomercially", but it worked for me. Two years ago John and I started this blog. We wrote a song or two a month. It wasn't easy, but we DID it. It was all about knowing that someone else was there to check on us and see how we were doing. It was about having a deadline. It helped us create by having some set goals. FAWM is just like that. By setting a goal (write a song every two days) you have a real deadline that helps focus your energies.
Last year I was able to do this by dropping a lot of unnecessary things from my life (TV, extra web surfing, sleep, meals) and I wrote down and pursued almost ANY idea that came to mind. Were all the songs good? Uh...no. Some were total crap. But, in the piles of crap were several diamonds that were well worth slogging through the other crap to find.
Friends, it's time to make some crap. And diamonds.
See you there!
1 comment:
Hey bro, I'm still in. Have no idea what'll happen, but it should be fun. You're zeal and interest has sold me.
Oh, and sorry about stepping on this post with mine above. You inspired me to finally post something again.
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