photo by Melanie
Wow. So, in February I wrote about 20 songs...in March, I think I've written 1. Ok. So, there's been a slowdown, but I'll be honest and say there's no way I could maintain that pace unless I was a full-time songwriter. I'm always THINKING of song ideas, but in February I took a much more active role in chasing those ideas down until they were fully formed (at least, as far as basic structure was concerned).
Pressing onward. My goal is to take this mass of songs and DO something with them. I want more people to hear them in a more finished form, so I've started the process of rerecording and have even had the privilege of passing on some tracks to be mixed by a fellow musician.
I hope to have a 5-7 song E.P. to release for this summer. I realize that during this process I have to redirect my limited time and songwriting energies towards perfecting rather than towards creating. This is neither good nor bad, it's just what I'm gearing myself to do for now. I have to admit that it's a difficult transition because in my mind I FEEL like I should be writing more more! MORE!!! but I know that my brain would explode if I didn't stop and reflect and refine.
So, here comes the refining.
Stay tuned.